© 2009 LeonS

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I’m Leon Stolk, born on april 19th 1966.


My first steps into music were kind of strange. I really liked hard rock music in the late 70's. Mostly AC/DC, Motörhead and Saxon.  Later in the early 80's I can still remember hearing Latoyah Jackson singing If you Feel the Funk played by a friend of mine...and I Liked it. I think this was the moment when I realized that disco music actually sounds great and gives me a happy feeling.


In 1983 I really got into the disco music. At Friday nights Ben Liebrand played is In the mix Broadcasts on Radio Veronica.

Most of these broadcasts were recorded on tapes, and at Saturday morning, right after work I went to Hotsound Import Records in Rotterdam to buy some of the tracks used by Ben.


In about 1999, when recording and mixing on a PC came available I re-discovered the disco music and started to clean some of my precious Vinyl records. Short after that I started to make my own mixes on the PC.


Most of the maxes I created since then are available on this website.  Enjoy Them